Distribution history

This page provides latest distribution information for BT Funds.
BT now provides full component information for retail fund distributions on the public website.

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Wholesale Plus Funds and BT Wrap Essentials - Pendal Wholesale Plus Active Moderate Fund (WFS0860AU)
Distribution dateDistribution amount (cpu)Reinvestment unit price ($)

The following three Funds from the BT Investor Choice Funds product menu have been terminated effective 7th May 2014:

  • Westpac Sustainability Fund Australian Shares - NEF, ARSN 100 438 275
  • Westpac Sustainability Fund International Share - NEF, ARSN 100 434 786
  • Westpac Sustainability Fund - International Shares, ARSN 097 965 654

BT now provides full component information for retail fund distributions on the public website.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

BT Funds Management Limited (ABN 63 002 916 458), BT Funds Management No. 2 Limited (ABN 22 000 727 659), BT Investment Management (Fund Services) Limited (ABN 13 161 249 332) and Westpac Financial Services Limited (ABN 20 000 241 127) currently offer products named on this website. The offers are contained in the relevant prospectus, product disclosure statement (PDS) or other disclosure document.
To invest, complete the application form attached to or accompanying the relevant disclosure document, a copy of which can be obtained by phoning 132 135. Investors should consider the disclosure document in deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold the product.

This information is subject to the Terms and Conditions.


General advice and general education information on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness. Consider our disclosure documents, which include the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for each product. The PDS is relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold a product. View our Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Registrable Superannuation Entity (RSE) Licence & Registration numbers. View our Reference numbers - SPINs, USIs and ABNs. By accessing this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this website.