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BT Investment Funds

BT Premium Cash Fund

Wholesale Plus Funds and BT Wrap Essentials

BT Super Trust

BT Classic Investment Funds

BT Investor Choice Funds

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BT Investment Funds (Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
WFS0090AUAberdeen Actively Hedged International Equities1-Feb-2022$1.0003$0.9973
WFS0088AUAPN Property for Income26-Apr-2017$0.0026$0.0026
WFS0089AUBlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth23-Oct-2023$1.2075$1.2036
RFA0020AUBT Active Balanced Fund23-Oct-2023$1.1560$1.1520
BTA0023AUBT American Share Fund25-Jul-2024$3.8403$3.8325
BTA0026AUBT Asian Share Fund25-Jul-2024$6.3851$6.3531
BTA0021AUBT Australian Share Fund25-Jul-2024$3.2813$3.2649
BTA0002AUBT Cash Management Trust# 26-Jul-20244.38%
RFA0030AUBT Core Hedged Global Share Fund23-Oct-2023$0.9290$0.9240
RFA0033AUBT Diversified Share Fund8-May-2019ClosedClosed
BTA0025AUBT European Share Fund25-Jul-2024$4.4894$4.4758
RFA0002AUBT Fixed Interest Fund14-Jul-2022$0.9780$0.9760
BTA0044AUBT Future Goals Fund25-Jul-2024$1.5028$1.4981
RFA0062AUBT Geared Imputation Fund*** 23-Oct-2023$0.5256$0.5214
WFS0387AUBT Global Property*** 23-Oct-2023$0.6550$0.6533
RFA0019AUBT Imputation Fund25-Jul-2024$2.1814$2.1705
BTA0042AUBT Income Plus Fund17-Jan-2024$1.2514$1.2489
WFS0390AUBT InTech High Opportunity*** 15-Aug-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0024AUBT International Fund25-Jul-2024$7.2646$7.2572
BTA0131AUBT Japanese Share Fund14-Jul-2022$0.7291$0.7276
BTA0072AUBT Partner Australian Shares Core 11-Nov-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0073AUBT Partner Australian Shares Growth 119-Oct-2020$1.2138$1.2088
BTA0074AUBT Partner Australian Shares Value 124-May-2017ClosedClosed
BTA0249AUBT Partner International Shares Core 1*** 10-Dec-2020$0.5211$0.5189
BTA0075AUBT Partner International Shares Growth 11-Nov-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0076AUBT Partner International Shares Value 130-Jun-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0051AUBT Property Securities Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8361$0.8319
RFA0012AUBT Smaller Companies Fund25-Jul-2024$1.7565$1.7477
RFA0034AUBT Tax Effective Income Fund8-May-2019ClosedClosed
BTA0127AUBT Technology Fund* 24-Jul-2024$3.0468$3.0407
WFS0096AUIntegrity Australian Share26-Oct-2017ClosedClosed
WFS0091AUInvestors Mutual Australian Share23-Oct-2023$1.0168$1.0117
WFS0097AUPerpetual Conservative Growth1-Feb-2022$1.0505$1.0479
WFS0092AUPlatinum International25-Jul-2024$0.9968$0.9938
WFS0095AUSchroder Absolute Return Income Fund23-Oct-2023$0.8763$0.8736
WFS0093AUSchroder Australian Share23-Oct-2023$1.1307$1.1261
WFS0094AUSchroder Sustainable Growth Fund23-Oct-2023$0.9292$0.9251
WFS0098AUUBS Diversified Fixed Income23-Oct-2023$0.7308$0.7293
WFS0099AUUBS International Share15-Aug-2016ClosedClosed

# Effective daily interest rates.

* Previously known as the BT TIME Fund.

** Previously known as the Multi-manager Diversified Share Fund.

*** These funds are also available on BT Wrap Essentials - BT Geared Imputation Fund (RFA0062AU), BT Global Property Fund (WFS0387AU), BT InTech High Opportunity Fund (WFS0390AU) and BT Partner International Shares Core 1 (BTA0249AU).

BT Premium Cash Fund (Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
BTA0129AUBT Premium Cash Fund# 26-Jul-20244.34%
BTA0173AUBT Premium Cash Fund# 26-Jul-20244.34%

# Effective daily interest rates.

BT Super Trust  (Closed to new investors)(Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
BTA0501AUBT Capital Stable Fund20-Sep-2017$5.6711$5.6614
BTA0502AUBT Investment Fund11-Nov-2021$10.8513$10.8242
BT Classic Investment Funds (Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
RFA0021AUBT Active Balanced Fund - NEF** 25-Jul-2024$1.5115$1.5072
BTA0060AUBT Asset Selection Fund** 10-May-2019ClosedClosed
BTA0003AUBT Australasian Bond Fund** 15-Apr-2019ClosedClosed
BTA0052AUBT Balanced Deeming Fund+ 4-Oct-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0043AUBT Balanced Returns Fund** 25-Jul-2024$1.9375$1.9326
RFA0011AUBT Core Australian Share Fund** 25-Jul-2024$3.3858$3.3688
RFA0024AUBT Diversified Share Fund - NEF** 14-Jul-2022$1.6480$1.6420
RFA0027AUBT Ethical Share Fund** 3-Feb-2020$1.5100$1.5030
BTA0001AUBT Global Bond Fund** 15-Sep-2017ClosedClosed
BTA0022AUBT Global Energy & Resources Fund1-Apr-2005ClosedClosed
RFA0014AUBT Global Share Fund+ 7-Mar-2022Closed$3.3150
BTA0058AUBT International Share Fund** 3-Aug-2018ClosedClosed
BTA0041AUBT Monthly Income Fund** 7-Mar-2022$1.0119$1.0098
RFA0013AUBT Natural Resources Fund** 25-Jul-2024$3.1748$3.1620
BTA0064AUBT Select Australian Share Fund** 3-Aug-2018ClosedClosed
BTA0012AUBT Split Growth Fund** 25-Jul-2024$3.9927$3.9763
BTA0011AUBT Split Income Fund** 17-Jan-2024$1.0909$1.0887
RFA0023AUBT Tax Effective Income Fund - NEF** 25-Jul-2024$1.2214$1.2172

** This fund is open to existing investors only.

+ This fund is closed to all new investment (except distribution reinvestment).

BT Investor Choice Funds (Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
WFS0102AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Growth Share Fund25-Jul-2024$1.0876$1.0821
WFS0103AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Share Fund** 25-Jul-2024$0.8894$0.8849
WFS0327AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Share Fund - NEF* 25-Jul-2024$0.7918$0.7878
WFS0013AUBT Investor Choice Australian Bond Fund25-Jul-2024$1.1614$1.1601
WFS0022AUBT Investor Choice Australian Growth Share Fund*25-Jul-2024$2.0903$2.0797
WFS0101AUBT Investor Choice Australian Property Securities Fund** 25-Jul-2024$0.6392$0.6360
WFS0329AUBT Investor Choice Australian Property Securities Fund - NEF* 23-Oct-2023$0.6995$0.6960
WFS0021AUBT Investor Choice Australian Share Fund* 25-Jul-2024$1.5725$1.5645
WFS0033AUBT Investor Choice Balanced Growth Fund25-Jul-2024$1.1822$1.1786
WFS0334AUBT Investor Choice Balanced Growth Fund - NEF* 23-Oct-2023$0.9278$0.9250
WFS0011AUBT Investor Choice Cash Management Trust# 26-Jul-20244.40%
WFS0003AUBT Investor Choice Conservative Growth Fund*24-Oct-2022$0.8781$0.8769
WFS0034AUBT Investor Choice Dynamic Growth Fund25-Jul-2024$1.4129$1.4083
WFS0023AUBT Investor Choice International Share Fund25-Jul-2024$3.4904$3.4869
WFS0032AUBT Investor Choice Moderate Growth Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9923$0.9905
WFS0333AUBT Investor Choice Moderate Growth Fund - NEF* 14-Jul-2022$0.8020$0.8005
WFS0326AUWestpac All Australian Growth Share Fund - NEF15-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0328AUWestpac Australian Bond Fund - NEF* 15-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0335AUWestpac Dynamic Growth Fund - NEF* 15-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0332AUWestpac International Share Fund - NEF* 15-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0289AUWestpac Sustainability Fund - Australian Shares** 15-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0330AUWestpac Sustainability Fund - Australian Shares - NEF^ 22-May-2014ClosedClosed
WFS0290AUWestpac Sustainability Fund - International Shares^ 22-May-2014$0.8259$0.8234
WFS0331AUWestpac Sustainability Fund - International Shares - NEF^ 30-May-2024ClosedClosed

* This fund is open to existing investors only.

# Effective daily interest rates.

^ The fund terminated as at 7 May 2014.

** These funds are also available on BT Wrap Essentials as the BT All Australian Tax Effective Share Fund (WFS0103AU), BT Australian Sustainability Share Fund (WFS0289AU) and BT Australian Property Securities Fund (WFS0101AU).

Wholesale Plus Funds and BT Wrap Essentials (Click on the fund name to view unit price history)Back to Top
APIR codeFund nameDateEntry priceExit price
WFS0378AUBlackRock Monthly Income2-Nov-2018$0.7470$0.7455
WFS0379AUBT Macquarie Diversified Fixed Interest25-Jul-2024$0.8698$0.8674
WFS0381AUBT Colonial First State Income2-Nov-2016ClosedClosed
WFS0382AUBT PM Capital Enhanced Yield18-Oct-2021$1.0143$1.0112
WFS0384AUBlackRock Combined Property Income7-Aug-2013$0.0049$0.0048
WFS0385AUBT Investors Mutual Industrial Share18-Oct-2021$1.1219$1.1163
WFS0388AUVanguard Australian Shares Index20-Feb-2023$0.8876$0.8867
WFS0389AUVanguard International Shares Index20-Feb-2023$0.8904$0.8893
WFS0400AUBarclays Australian Listed Property Index18-Oct-2021$0.3385$0.3379
BTA0310AUBT Multi-manager Australian Share1-Dec-2020$0.6133$0.6096
BTA0312AUBT Multi-manager International Share8-Aug-2016$0.7477$0.7447
BTA0311AUBT Multi-manager Fixed Interest1-Dec-2020$0.9317$0.9282
WFS0409AUFidelity Australian Equities25-Jul-2024$0.6637$0.6617
WFS0411AUTyndall Australian Share20-Feb-2023$0.7280$0.7251
WFS0413AUColonial First State Global Resources18-Oct-2021$0.7633$0.7617
WFS0414AUIronbark Waverton Concentrated Global Share Fund21-Feb-2022$0.5278$0.5256
WFS0415AUT. Rowe Price Global Equity20-Feb-2023$0.7460$0.7426
WFS0416AUTempleton Global Equity18-Oct-2021$0.7116$0.7087
WFS0417AURREEF Global Property Securities18-Oct-2021$0.2289$0.2275
WFS0412AUAustralian Unity Mortgage Income24-Apr-2017ClosedClosed
WFS0419AUAdvance Australian Shares Multi-Blend26-Apr-2016$0.8333$0.8283
WFS0420AUAdvance Australian Smaller Companies Multi-Blend26-Apr-2016$1.1458$1.1389
WFS0421AUAusbil Australian Active Equity21-Feb-2022$0.7810$0.7778
WFS0422AUAusbil Emerging Leaders18-Oct-2021$1.0010$0.9960
WFS0424AUSolaris Core Australian Share8-Aug-2016$0.8887$0.8834
WFS0425AUZurich Australian Equity Income30-Jul-2019$0.7984$0.7969
WFS0426AUBT Enhanced Cash21-Feb-2022$1.0218$1.0211
WFS0427AUUBS Cash18-Oct-2021$0.9796$0.9796
WFS0428AUAdvance Australian Fixed Interest Multi-Blend18-Oct-2021$0.9666$0.9646
WFS0429AUAdvance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend18-Oct-2021$0.9332$0.9304
WFS0430AUOnePath Diversified Fixed Interest18-Oct-2021$0.9135$0.9111
WFS0431AUMacquarie Income Opportunities21-Feb-2022$0.9719$0.9687
WFS0432AUSchroder Fixed Income20-Feb-2023$0.8524$0.8503
WFS0433AUAberdeen Emerging Opportunities18-Oct-2021$0.9309$0.9268
WFS0434AUAdvance International Shares Multi-Blend8-Aug-2016$0.9095$0.9058
WFS0435AUBlackRock Global Allocation21-Feb-2022$0.8441$0.8390
WFS0436AUBlackRock Global Small Cap26-Jul-2017ClosedClosed
WFS0439AUZurich Global Thematic Share18-Oct-2021$0.8218$0.8211
WFS0440AUAdvance Defensive Multi-Blend18-Oct-2021$0.9568$0.9544
WFS0859AUPendal Wholesale Plus Active Conservative Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9933$0.9916
WFS0441AUAdvance Moderate Multi-Blend20-Feb-2023$0.8714$0.8687
WFS0860AUPendal Wholesale Plus Active Moderate Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9729$0.9705
WFS0442AUAdvance Balanced Multi-Blend20-Feb-2023$0.8495$0.8464
WFS0861AUPendal Wholesale Plus Active Balanced Fund25-Jul-2024$1.0410$1.0379
WFS0443AUAdvance Growth Multi-Blend20-Feb-2023$0.8941$0.8905
WFS0862AUPendal Wholesale Plus Active Growth Fund24-Jul-2024$1.0964$1.0930
WFS0444AUAdvance High Growth Multi-Blend20-Feb-2023$0.8219$0.8183
WFS0863AUPendal Wholesale Plus Active High Growth Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9862$0.9824
WFS0445AUAdvance Property Securities Multi-Blend8-Aug-2016$0.8802$0.8749
WFS0864AUAntipodes Wholesale Plus Global Fund24-Jul-2024$1.1922$1.1850
WFS0446AUAPN AREIT18-Oct-2021$0.8164$0.8123
WFS0865AUPerpetual Wholesale Plus Global Share Fund25-Jul-2024$1.3134$1.3101
WFS0447AULazard Global Listed Infrastructure21-Feb-2022$1.2232$1.2171
WFS0866AUSchroder Wholesale Plus Real Return CPI 5% Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9538$0.9500
BTA0480AUBennelong Wholesale Plus ex-20 Australian Equities Fund25-Jul-2024$1.2670$1.2619
WFS0867AUMacquarie Ws Plus Int Infrastructure Securities Fd Hedged24-Jul-2024$0.8988$0.8949
WFS1033AUAntipodes Wholesale Plus Asia Fund16-May-2022$0.6345$0.6307
BTA0476AUPendal Wholesale Plus Australian Share Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8776$0.8732
BTA0481AUFidelity Wholesale Plus Australian Equities Fund25-Jul-2024$1.0404$1.0372
WFS8168AUNikko AM Wholesale Plus Australian Share Income Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9496$0.9458
BTA0477AUIronbark Karara Wholesale Plus Australian Small Companies Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8490$0.8456
WFS8908AUSpheria Wholesale Plus Australian Smaller Companies Fund25-Jul-2024$1.0367$1.0305
BTA0482AUPerpetual Wholesale Plus Australian Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8826$0.8804
BTA0483AUSchroder Wholesale Plus Australian Equity Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9743$0.9704
BTA0479AUAberdeen Wholesale Plus Actively Hedged International Equities Fund23-Jan-2023$0.7322$0.7300
BTA0474AUAMP Capital Wholesale Plus Corporate Bond Fund24-Jul-2024$0.9359$0.9339
BTA0478AUUBS Wholesale Plus Australian Bond Fund24-Jul-2024$0.8899$0.8889
BTA0475AUAPN Wholesale Plus AREIT Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9378$0.9349
BTA0536AUPendal Wholesale Plus Core Global Share Fund23-Jan-2023$1.0780$1.0737
BTA0537AUNAM-Tyndall Wholesale Plus Australian Share Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9067$0.9030
BTA0538AUT. Rowe Price Wholesale Plus Global Equity Fund25-Jul-2024$1.3701$1.3660
BTA0539AUKapstream Wholesale Plus Absolute Return Income Fund24-Jul-2024$0.9557$0.9550
BTA0540AUPendal Wholesale Plus Property Securities Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8706$0.8662
BTA0541AUPendal Wholesale Plus Global Property Securities Fund16-May-2022$0.7964$0.7944
BTA0543AURARE Infrastructure Wholesale Plus Value Fund-Hedged25-Jul-2024$0.8944$0.8928
BTA0545AUSchroder Wholesale Plus Fixed Income Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8185$0.8165
BTA0546AURARE Infrastructure Wholesale Plus Value Fund-Unhedged25-Jul-2024$0.9639$0.9622
BTA0547AUPendal Wholesale Plus Fixed Interest Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8938$0.8927
BTA0554AUIronbark Karara Wholesale Plus Australian Share fund3-Aug-2018$1.0933$1.0878
BTA0557AUSchroder Wholesale Plus Australian Smaller Companies Fund23-May-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0548AUT. Rowe Price Wholesale Plus Australian Equity Fund1-Apr-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0549AUUBS Wholesale Plus Halo Australian Share Fund3-Aug-2018$0.9974$0.9924
BTA0550AUPendal Wholesale Plus Global Emerging Markets Opportunities24-Jul-2024$0.8941$0.8887
BTA0551AUFidelity Wholesale Plus Global Equities Fund25-Jul-2024$1.8703$1.8628
BTA0555AULazard Wholesale Plus Emerging Markets Equity Fund16-May-2022$0.9293$0.9228
BTA0556AUPerpetual Wholesale Plus Diversified Income Fund25-Jul-2024$1.0158$1.0127
BTA0552AUFranklin Templeton Wholesale Plus Multisector Bond Fund16-May-2022$0.7082$0.7082
BTA0553AUGoldman Sachs Wholesale Plus Growth & Emerging Markets Debt Local Fund20-Dec-2016ClosedClosed
BTA0564AUBlackRock Wholesale Plus Australian Equity Opportunities Fund16-Nov-2018$0.7272$0.7200
BTA0563AUWingate Wholesale Plus Global Equity Fund24-Jul-2024$1.0338$1.0296
BTA0566AUK2 Wholesale Plus Australian Absolute Return Fund3-Aug-2018$0.9529$0.9481
BTA0567AUMan AHL Wholesale Plus Alpha (AUD)24-Jul-2024$1.1141$1.1141
BTA0544AUMacquarie Wholesale Plus Income Opportunities Fund25-Jul-2024$0.9497$0.9466
BTA0542AUWalter Scott Wholesale Plus Global Equity Fund25-Jul-2024$1.3429$1.3402
BTA0565AUMagellan Wholesale Plus Global Fund25-Jul-2024$1.2530$1.2504
BTA0498AUPIMCO Whoesale Plus Global Bond Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8903$0.8894
BTA0499AUPIMCO Wholesale Plus Diversified Fixed Interest Fund25-Jul-2024$0.8874$0.8865
WFS0858AUMagellan Wholesale Plus Infrastructure Fund25-Jul-2024$1.2346$1.2308

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

BT Funds Management Limited (ABN 63 002 916 458), BT Funds Management No. 2 Limited (ABN 22 000 727 659), Westpac Financial Services Limited (ABN 20 000 241 127), BT Investment Management (Fund Services) Limited (ABN 13 161 249 332) and Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 000 049 472, AFSL 233 731) currently offer products named on this website. The offers are contained in the relevant prospectus, product disclosure statement (PDS) or other disclosure document.
To invest, complete the application form attached to or accompanying the relevant disclosure document, a copy of which can be obtained by phoning 132 135. Investors should consider the disclosure document in deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold the product.

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